Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Summer 2019

My summer 2019


My family and I made a road trip from Portland to Los Angesles. We drove by the beautyful Crater Lake and we went swimming in the  lake, it was very cold. The water was very pretty and clear.

 We drove along the coast street and had a beautyful ocean view all the time.

We also stopped in SanFrancisco and visited of course the golden bridge. I loved this city, it was one of my favorite cities on our trip.  

 Our last stop was LA, we went shopping and we went to the disneyland, which my tow little brothers loved. After we surfed on the Huntington Beach my family and I watched the sunset on the Huntington Beach.


1 comment:

Project 5 depth of field and motion

Project 5 depth of field and motion