Monday, September 30, 2019

Project 2: Framing and Composition

Framing and Composition

    The purpose of a contact sheet is to be able to quickly scan a series of images to find the keepers or the ones chosen to be enlarged. I took a lot pictures from all the 8 framing techniques and then I choose the best 18 photos and I put them in a collection. I started editing all those pictures and I gave them a caption. I also sorted them.  After I did that I started creating the Contact sheet and named it.

I choose this picture for my best "bird eye view", because I think you can really see how a bird from above the ground would see this. I learned that there is an angle how to take a "birds eye view" photo.

This is my best version of "bugs eye view", because I felt like a bug from the ground looking up to the building when I took the picture. I learned that I have go on the ground to take a "bugs eye view" picture.

I took this photo as my best "close up" because I really had to get close to the eye to take the picture, it was uncomfortable close. I learned that I have to get really really close to my subject to take a good "close up" photo.

This is my best "diagonals" picture. I choose this because I think you can see the diagonals very good and when you look closer to the picture you can even see two diagonals, one vertical and one horizontal.

I choose this as my best "filling the frame" picture, because it really uses all the space of the photo and there is no free space. I learned that "filling the frame" could also look very cool, because I normally do not like that.

This is my best "frame within a frame", because you can really good see ll the other frames and I also like the green color of the frames a lot. This project was the first time I paid attention to see a frame in a frame and I think I can use this method in many photographs in the future. It makes the picture special and interesting.

I took this as my best "leading lines" picture because you can really see how the line leads and it looks like the line never ends.

I choose this picture as my best from "rule of 3rds". I think you can really good see who the photo is divided by 3, into 3 parts. I learned that it looks better when it is divided by 3 instead of 2.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Project 1: Elements and Principles Poster

Project 1: Elements and Principles Poster

There are many diffrent elements of art and principles of desing, examples are in the list.

I found many photography examples on Pinterest and I put them on the left side of the text.

On the right side I took pictures myself to see more examples.

The difference between principles and elements is that principles are rules you have to follow and elements are things that will help you complete those rules for the best project outcome.


One importand thing I learned is that balane is a very iportant principles of Desing.

I learned that there are three typs of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical and radial.













Project 5 depth of field and motion

Project 5 depth of field and motion